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One of the most damaging consequences is harm to your professional reputation within a professional community. There is also financial harm where you can lose your business or your job. Another type of damage includes physical and mental anguish. It can certainly take a toll on someone’s health and emotional stability. The good news is that those harms can be compensated in some specific cases.
It is difficult for public figures to bring a libel suit but possible. They must prove that the party defaming them knew about the statements being untrue, made with malice, and the person was saying or writing them negligently. Nevertheless, it is possible for celebrities, politicians, or any other famous person to file a successful defamation suit, mainly if the statement damaged their careers. There are many defenses to defamation, which a defamation of character attorney can explain in more details.
You are free to express your opinion as long as it is just your opinion and there are no specific facts to prove its untruthfulness.
Unfortunately, the media is privileged, even when the stories are proven to be false, as long as the information was released without malice, and they update it or correct it when the matter is brought to their attention. Ask a defamation attorney about your options in such cases
You are not held liable as long as you are not aware of the statement. Website operators are protected from content published by a third-party under section 230 of the Communication Decency Act (CDA).
Bloggers are usually recognized as journalists. However, they don’t enjoy the same protections of journalists. In other words, a blogger accused of internet defamation may have to pay significant damages. With the media moving online, bloggers are more and more accepted as journalists.
Consult your defamation of character attorney first. Your attorney will investigate and find out the originators of such defamatory posts, even when it is anonymous or posted under another name. We can help you pursue a defamation of character lawsuit.
The Constitution of the United States does not protect false and harmful speech. Defamation is an exception to the First Amendment.