Citizenship is the legal term granted by the United States of America to people in the community, allowing them to have equal rights and freedom in society where they have been residing.
If your children are old enough have to go through the same application process for citizenship parents. However, if your children are under 18 year old, he can acquire automatic citizenship as dependent parents. They must also meet other American citizenship requirements, including permanent residence (Green Card) within the territory. Also children must live permanently with parents who have child custody and have been legally naturalized.
The immigration lawyers Miami will help you throughout the migration process, as immigration laws are quite complex. Also provide all the information they needed to achieve the desired immigration status.
Citizenship is gained by people born in the Americas. Also, individuals who have had permanent residence for several years in the United States can apply for citizenship through the naturalization process. Besides the automatic citizenship can get those children born in foreign countries but their parents are U.S. citizens and children under 15 years of age who are dependent on citizen fathers with custody.
The cost of citizenship is a fixed value set by national immigration like that originated for permanent residence of the individual, (you can have more information about permanent residency in our website immigration). In general, citizenship costs $ 680, but for people over 75 years old could be $ 595 U.S. dollars. There are many local agencies that help in the rate for the N-400 application for naturalization.
Naturalization records depend on the country you need the information, all the embassies of each country in the United States can help in finding their natural logs. Family could also be a great help to recover.
Yes, one of the benefits of being a U.S. citizen is the right to vote. Everyone over 18 year old citizen has the right to vote for the government administration. Historically, women, children and domestic servants were not entitled to citizenship which is equivalent to not having the right to vote or hold political office, but since the early 20th century, the laws regarding citizenship and voting rights were changing as that built the world and society, people were becoming more educated. However it should be noted that those who although their legal status is in the U.S. national may not be eligible to vote, because they have committed offenses within the law that eliminates a possible right to vote.
Yes, You maybe find some citizenship test question and answers in Spanish in the internet, but we dont recommended to study the citizenship question in Spanish because you must to do the naturalization test in English, you will need prepare for this test if you want the nationality of United State.
Naturalization certificate is known as the N-550 form that it is given to each individual at the time of the naturalization ceremony, where you swear allegiance to the United States.
You will need to request an application for a citizenship certificate in a serviceid immigration Miami through a form called N-545 and it costs $ 345.