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881 FAQs where found , 30 in this page

What's a temporary worker visa and how can I get one?

Temporary worker visas are for individuals entering the country for temporary employment. A petition must first be filed by the prospective employer at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration services (USCIS) office. The petition must be approved in order for the individual to apply for a work visa. Learn More

When can I get a social security card?

You can apply for this at the local Social Security Administration office right after you receive employment authorization. This is very crucial in order to collect Social Security benefits and also benefit from different government services. Learn More

How can I pay my taxes if I don't have a social security number?

You can pay federal income taxes with an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).To find out more information on how to obtain an ITIN, visit the IRS site at www.irs.gov. Learn More

Things to consider before applying for citizenship

Becoming a citizen of United States is a privilege that should not be taken for granted. You will be able to enjoy the many benefits a citizen of this nation is enticed to. However, these rights and privileges are only received after going through the application process. Some things to consider before applying may include: The person must be a legal permanent resident. At least 18 years of age the person didn't make any other country a permanent home during their residency in the U.S. The resident should pass English and History test the individual must have a clean criminal record. Learn More

What's a stay of deportation?

Stay of deportation or stay removal is when the citizen faces deportation and requests temporary postponement. The first thing to consider is hiring a professional immigration lawyer to help with such a complicated process. The deportation can be postponed depending on where you are in the legal process and who is handling your case. The basic types of deportation include: Administrative stay of deportation: filled with a federal agency of the federal government Judicial stay of deportation: filled with a federal court Automatic stay of deportation: it goes into effect only when the foreign individual is filing an appeal. Learn More

How do marriage visas work?

There are two ways to bring your spouse or future spouse to the United States: Fiancé Visa (K-1): The fiancé of the citizen must first file a K-1 in order to travel to the U.S. And marry the U.S. Citizen during the first 90 days since their arrival. Once married, the fiancé must apply to become a permanent resident. Marriage Visa (K-3): This visa can help reduce the physical separation between the U.S. citizen and foreign spouse. It allows the spouse to enter the country as a non-immigrant while also waiting for the green card process to be completed. Learn More

How to apply for asylum?

The case law for asylum is always changing. Some factors should be considered before applying: Confinement and medical documentation are generally required Home country's Human Rights Report Witnesses' affidavits A detailed legal brief explaining or outlining the law as it pertains to the person's particular needs. Learn More

How to apply to petition a relative?

A United States resident or lawful permanent resident can help certain relatives to become permanent residents of U.S. The first step to take is to file an I-130, a form used to prove the government the individual you are filing the petition for is your relative and not just some random person. These are the most common petitions filed: Parents Children or step-children Spouse Fiancé. Learn More

How is bond set? How does bond posting work?

When a person is arrested by the authorities and imprisoned for being accused of committing a crime, you can request bail. Depending on the crime committed the dangerous of the individual and represents a flight risk if the judge will grant the bail. In the United States, bond is discretionary and may be denied if the Judge has, for this reason you could ask your family or friends to help provide evidence such as a copy of the legal permanent resident card, birth certificates of spouse children and parents, evidence has property in the United States, has a legal and employment even better if you can include letters of support from family or community members. Learn More

What is the purpose of bail bonds?

Bail is intended to guarantee that the accused will attend every court appearance anytime required his presence. Bail should not be seen as a form of punishment the defendant nor as a form of payment to the government. Learn More

When do I have to introduce myself to the Court?

The days must attend court shall be notified by mail. This notification is always sent to the defendant several days before the trial date. In the event that the person holds a bail agent will notify the court by mail or phone for all dates of the hearings and this will take care of ensuring that the defendant knew of trial dates. Learn More

How much is an Immigration Bond?

Paying bond for bail in the State of Florida and many other states in the Federal Courts bond costs 15% of the amount, the securities in the event of Immigration have cost up to 20% of the bail amount and costs in State Courts between 10% and 15 % depending on the amount of use and warranty risks. Learn More

What turns out to be a warranty?

The guarantee is what is given to the bail agent that may prove to be a property or other, as collateral for bail. Learn More

What used as collateral?

We can use a house as collateral, land properties, bank certificates of deposit, stocks, bonds, credit cards, boats, cars, motorcycles, expensive jewelry, among other objects of high prices. Learn More

How long it may take to be released from jail after bail?

It all depends on where the person is detained, as depending on the courts of the place, may take an hour of being in prison in the city or county to 8 hours or more. In federal officials could take 2 to 4 hours and 7 hours of immigration. Learn More

Can the bond be Lost?

In the event that the defendant fails and does not appear before the judge in acts such as roots, trial, judgment or other pre-sentencing without having an excuse to support its offer, then the judge may, before an open court declare the loss of the bond in full. Learn More

Can I recover money from the bond?

On completion of the process of Immigration, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will return the amount of the bail money to the person who made the payment. Should be clear that the bail will be refunded only if you have appeared at all court hearings and complied with all orders of the court case manager or the department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Learn More

What other options exist for release when a person is incarcerated?

There are today five options to get out of jail, it may be through a bail bondsman, cash bond, property bond, parole, or an electronic monitor. The judicial bail involves a compensation and the Court. They usually give such bond as if the defendant does not appear before the court. At some point, the bond agent will act immediately to locate, apprehend, and bring him to court. The bondsman is the person who wants the detainees release and for that reason he/she delivers the total amount of bail to where the person is detained. The cash bond is when the person who wants the detainees release delivers the total amount of bail to where the person is detained. The security property is used only when you need local real estate with the courts as security for the defendants release. This takes 7 to 15 days as they require acceptance of the judge, evaluate the property, a relationship with sales, and acceptance of the clerk of the court. Many states do not have this kind of bond. Parole is another method of release, and is granted to prisoners who have been long in a community, present legal and stable work, have the best family relationships, and no flight risk appears. This release process is led by a county agency or a local law enforcement agency. Before the release of the detainee, a depth analysis is done and delivered to the court. Often this type of release is given to those who are accused for the first time or for charges that are not violent. The electronic monitor is taken mostly as a condition of release and is also established a normal bond. This program is implemented by the Agency serviceids and the local police agency. It turns like a bracelet that is placed on the ankle and frames a round area of a base point, which the defendant cannot get away of and if so an alarm starts to sound . Learn More

What is American citizenship status definition?

Citizenship is the legal term granted by the United States of America to people in the community, allowing them to have equal rights and freedom in society where they have been residing. Learn More

Can my children acquiring citizenship if I am an American citizen? What would be the American citizenship requirements?

If your children are old enough have to go through the same application process for citizenship parents. However, if your children are under 18 year old, he can acquire automatic citizenship as dependent parents. They must also meet other American citizenship requirements, including permanent residence (Green Card) within the territory. Also children must live permanently with parents who have child custody and have been legally naturalized. Learn More

What do immigration attorneys in Miami?

The immigration lawyers Miami will help you throughout the migration process, as immigration laws are quite complex. Also provide all the information they needed to achieve the desired immigration status. Learn More

How can I get American citizenship?

Citizenship is gained by people born in the Americas. Also, individuals who have had permanent residence for several years in the United States can apply for citizenship through the naturalization process. Besides the automatic citizenship can get those children born in foreign countries but their parents are U.S. citizens and children under 15 years of age who are dependent on citizen fathers with custody. Learn More

How much cost the N-400 application to apply for U.S. citizenship?

The cost of citizenship is a fixed value set by national immigration like that originated for permanent residence of the individual, (you can have more information about permanent residency in our website immigration). In general, citizenship costs $ 680, but for people over 75 years old could be $ 595 U.S. dollars. There are many local agencies that help in the rate for the N-400 application for naturalization. Learn More

How can I find naturalization records?

Naturalization records depend on the country you need the information, all the embassies of each country in the United States can help in finding their natural logs. Family could also be a great help to recover. Learn More

Every American citizen has the right to vote?

Yes, one of the benefits of being a U.S. citizen is the right to vote. Everyone over 18 year old citizen has the right to vote for the government administration. Historically, women, children and domestic servants were not entitled to citizenship which is equivalent to not having the right to vote or hold political office, but since the early 20th century, the laws regarding citizenship and voting rights were changing as that built the world and society, people were becoming more educated. However it should be noted that those who although their legal status is in the U.S. national may not be eligible to vote, because they have committed offenses within the law that eliminates a possible right to vote. Learn More

Are there question for citizenship test in Spanish?

Yes, You maybe find some citizenship test question and answers in Spanish in the internet, but we dont recommended to study the citizenship question in Spanish because you must to do the naturalization test in English, you will need prepare for this test if you want the nationality of United State. Learn More

What is the naturalization certificate?

Naturalization certificate is known as the N-550 form that it is given to each individual at the time of the naturalization ceremony, where you swear allegiance to the United States. Learn More

What can I do if I lost naturalization certificate?

You will need to request an application for a citizenship certificate in a serviceid immigration Miami through a form called N-545 and it costs $ 345. Learn More

Who can file a petition for an immigrant visa in Havana?

According to federal regulations, only individuals who can prove that they reside in Cuba can file an I-130. You need to contact the USCIS to find out if you qualify, get the forms, and find out about the fees required. All petitions must be filled in Havana. Those individuals who dont reside in Cuba have to file with the USCIS in the U.S. Learn More

How can I apply for the family reunification parole program?

The instructions are given by the National Visa Center (NVC). An application cannot be submitted without an invite from the NVC. A letter is mailed inviting them to apply and steps to follow during the application process. Learn More