Employees, regardless of their gender, are entitled to receive equal pay for equal work under the Equal Pay Act. As long as the content of the job is the same, workers should not be discriminated based on gender. EPA protects workers against compensation discrimination for hourly salary, benefits, overtime pay, bonuses, vacation and holiday pay, stock options, travel reimbursement, and hotel accommodations. If another worker gets paid more than you under the above described circumstances, you are entitled to take legal action against your employer.
With the help of a Equal Pay Lawyer Miami all circumstances can be investigated. The attorney will look at similar workers and compare the pay, benefits, bonuses, etc. Gallardo law Firm has experience dealing with these types of cases. We will fight on your behalf and protect your legal rights.
The Equal Pay Act protects workers from unfair discrimination when factors such as skill, effort, responsibility, and equal work are involved. The Court will look at several things when working on an EPA case. They will look beyond the position of the employee. For instance, there are some cases where two workers may perform the same duties at work yet they have different titles. Someone may have an administrative position yet he or she performs the same duties as somebody in management.
You have up to two years to file your claim if you are filing for an alleged unlawful compensation practice and three years for a willful violation claim.
Gallardo Law Firm is eager that all workers, regardless of their sex, are compensated equally for the work they perform. No employee should be discriminated at the workplace. Let our firm handle your case and discuss the compensation for discrimination you may be entitled to receive. For an initial consultation, call at (305) 261-7000. Hablamos Español