The school area is a special area so that people who are in this area with alcohol may prosecute a penalty of six months in prison and pay a fine of $ 1000 minimum.
All children under 21 who are accused of driving under influence of drugs or alcohol may be subject to a judgment from $ 500 to $ 2,500 fine. They could be sentenced to a year of imprisonment and revocation of driver's license. These people may be subject to be sentenced under the same conditions of seniors.
For those people who try to buy alcohol or driving under the influence of drugs using false identification testifying adulthood may be sentenced to pay a $ 500 fine and/or perform community serviceid. Also they can complete 12 months in prison and the driver's license may be suspended for at least 6 months and no more than one year.
Driving any motorized transport under the influence of alcohol and drugs is also considered a crime, it is not allowed under the laws of Florida. Drunk driving a boat may be sentenced the same way as if you were driving a car under the influence of alcohol/drugs.
Yes, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is considered a crime in the state of Florida; therefore, it is recorded in the criminal record of the person incriminated by a time of period.
Yes, driving on a suspended license can get you a maximum sentence of 5 years imprisonment or a fine of $ $ 2,500.000 or both, depending on your criminal defense lawyer. Therefore, it is very important to have an experienced attorney in such crimes.