A misdemeanor is a criminal act that is punishable with monetary fine and / or a short jail time up to one year.
Any crime is classified as a misdemeanor or felony depending on just how serious the crime is.
In the United States, crimes are classified according to severity; a misdemeanor is a type of crime less severe than a felony and is more severe than an infraction. Depending on the severity of the charges will be the severity of the penalty imposed by the judge.
These are some of the types of common misdemeanor. Examples of minor criminal offenses are:
Physical contact with another person when that person has not consented. If weapon is used more serious injuries will occur and it might result in a felony charge.
This means hostility to the property of others, the voluntary destruction of monuments and works of great value. Theft is also included in this category such as shoplifting.
Disorderly Conduct
It occurs when a person knowingly or intentionally engages in fighting or tumultuous conduct making unreasonable noise and even after been prompted to stop the individual continues making an unlawful congregation. Failure to attend a trial is simply the failure to appear in court to a schedule hearing.
It is defined as the particular act of sexual activities and receives any compensation. This applies to both women and men.
Driving under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol level above the maximum allowed by the state is a misdemeanor offense.
If you are charged with a misdemeanor offense, you have to contact a criminal defense attorney directly for information about your rights and how to act in its defense. Note that the presence of a criminal defense attorney can make a big difference. Misdemeanor records do not fall within the three strikes law.
Misdemeanor Offense could affect you for life. Though the punishments are lower than felonies it does not mean they are irrelevant. As a result of your being guilty of a crime you can go to jail, especially if you have a record of multiple misdemeanor offenses. You may also be required to attend mandatory classes to complete an alcohol or drug abuse program. Monetary fines could reach up to $ 1000.00 or more.
There are other consequences considered as collateral, most of them aimed to certain crimes. They include the denial of student's loan, grants, work and welfare assistance. In the event that you have several moving violations, illegally purchasing alcohol and some drug and alcohol convictions your driver license will be suspended. Immigrants with legal resident status could be deported if charged with some misdemeanor.
Gallardo Law Firm with the Miami misdemeanor lawyer will give you the confidence to obtain feasible results in the criminal process. Gallardo Law Firm and its criminal attorneys are extremely dedicated to the success of their clients making a difference in the outcome of each specific case. Rely on the knowledge and skills of a criminal defense lawyer at Gallardo Law Firm.