Every day we hear in the news about rapes, assaults, and all types of sexual crimes happening in South Florida. There are harsh punishments for sex crimes in the State of Florida and the accused can face a possible lifetime of legal consequences. When you are wrongly accused of a sex crime in Miami the consequences can have a lasting impact if you don’t have a sex crimes lawyer Miami protecting your rights.
Individuals accused of sex crimes are often seen as morally reprehensible people who lead double lives and don’t have legal rights available for them. False allegations can cause lasting damage to the person’s reputation and haunt him or her in the future. This is why it’s important to aggressively challenge such allegations with the help of a well-versed sex crimes lawyer Miami.
Oftentimes, these allegations can go very far if you don’t have a sex crimes lawyer Miami representing you. These accusations are often the product of angry former spouses or other partners taking advantage in child custody after divorce. At other times, people may accuse family members, neighbors, teachers, or anyone else they dislike of a serious criminal offense.
Being convicted of a sex crime can ruin someone’s reputation. Unless you find legal representation you may find yourself facing a losing legal battle. Sex crimes usually include a coerced or illegal conduct against someone and they fall into several categories:
Child abuse has become a major problem in our modern world. Children die every year as a result of cruelty and abuse. It’s an awful epidemic that should end. And the only way is by increasing awareness of this issue. Among the most common types of child abuse we have:
Sexual harassment is a type of psychological abuse. Harassment involves unwanted approaches, requests for favors or other verbal or physical behavior with a sexual objective in mind. This act will explicitly or implicitly affect the individual’s life interfering with work or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Sexual Harassment can occur in multiple circumstances such as:
Domestic abuse can occur to anyone, yet the biggest and most common mistake is to ignore it, deny it, or justify it. This occurs mainly when the abuse is psychological and not physical. This type of violence will manifest in order to take complete control over the person being abused. The wrongdoer does not "play fair". These actions occur between couples of the same or opposite sex alike, as well as any age, race, or social class.
Women generally suffer most through these abuses even though men are also abused, especially emotionally, verbally, and even physically. Although this type of abuse is not considered criminal behavior, it’s a form of abuse, which can lead to criminal violence. This abusive behavior is never acceptable.
Some examples of emotional abuse include:
Abuse and sex crimes are in the middle of the most punishable crimes in the U.S. In lawsuits relating to these cases, prosecutors are facing great pressure because of the importance of these cases so their decisions when sentencing are strong.
As the consequences to these offenses are so serious, people facing these charges who are wrongly accused of committing such crimes should always look for the services of a criminal defense attorney with experience and knowledge in this area of law. Victims of such crimes can also have the legal advice of an attorney so that no crime or offense goes unpunished.
There are two types of courts: federal and state. State courts are found in cities and counties and established by each state. Federal courts are established under the United States constitution to handle disputes. A federal crime or offense is made illegal by legislation. The list of federal crimes is quite extensive and it includes human trafficking, aggravated sexual abuse, sexual abuse of a minor, etc.
Various distinctive offenses fall under classification of sexual offenses, yet generally allude to unlawful sexual behaviors or coercion against another individual. Each state has laws banning these sorts of sexual offenses, for example, assault and rape, and each state has its proper time limiting (or "statute of limitations") in which casualties of sexual crimes may file a lawsuit against the alleged wrongdoer. Persons convicted of sexual offenses, regardless of the hardness, are considered "sex offenders" on their particular state.
After a jury finds the defendant guilty of a sex crime, the case goes onto court for sentencing. The judges base their decisions in light of several factors when determining a sentence. First, criminal laws will generally establish a series of punishments for sexual assault, commonly consisting of the maximum or minimal imprisoning, as well as fines and other punishments. The judges will acknowledge the heightening and diminishing factors to decide the definite terms of their judgment.
Federal law obliges judges to consider various factors, including the offender's criminal history and his acknowledgement of responsibility when the punishment is established. The elected law criminalizing rape conveys a maximum punishment of 20 years in jail, and fines.
In addition, federal law provides that those declared guilty of sexual assault ought to compensate their victims for expenditures directly related to the offense. This includes the cost of medical care, physical or occupational therapy, legal fees and other pertinent expenses.
The face and name of these sex offenders is added to state records and categorized as federal crimes. The person will be required to register their name and address on the national sex offender registry, headshot with a description of their offense, which means that anyone can have access to such information for years to come. This registration will also limit where you live and the places where you can live, how close you go to school, Public Park, etc.
Gallardo Law Firm has an incredible team of criminal lawyers dealing with cases of allegations of sex crimes in Miami. In our firm, we will listen carefully, and assess the situation from a defensive point of view. We know the criminal laws encompassing these types of cases, and are completely mindful of the maximum prison sentence you may face together with the stigma of the possibility of having to enlist as a sex offender for life.
If you are being falsely accused, a criminal lawyer can defend you with all the resources available to us. We will do our best to protect your rights. In the event that you are accusing a person for sexual abuse, our attorney will defend you while being conscious of any and all costs.