You should apply only if you are under the process of deportation and have no alternative to remain in the U.S. under the immigration laws. Request to ICE prosecutorial discretion is the last resort to be used. The authorities will not deliver to them are those who use this resource will drink you apply in the event that you and this facing deportation.
You request prosecutor discretion depending on your situation. If you are facing immigration judge or to the Board of Immigration Appeals may request administratively close the case which means that the ICE will close the case and will not try to deport him for now, but may do so in the future. In case you have a deportation order but also has an appeal to the appellate court may order a stay of removal means that you will not be deported for a period of approximately 1 year. In the case of requesting deferred action you can do in any party of the deportation process being you before an immigration judge , this has the advantage that you will not be deported at the moment but if it could be in the future , you will would grant a work permit.
A work permit is granted by immigration prosecutorial discretion memo, if you did not have it before you cannot get now. But there is one exception for people who are granted deferred action prosecutorial discretion and who qualify for a work permit.
No, the immigration serviceid and citizenship often eliminate certain payments if you can show that it does not have resources to pay for this the person must complete and submit a form which will be reviewed in its entirety by the immigration department.
We, criminal defense lawyers, Gallardo Law Firm from the moment you make us part of your situation , we provide all possible support , giving alternative and more feasible solutions according to their possibilities and needs , we want you frustrated, and think it will not be appropriate for a viable exit, because it always exists, and we can get it for you.
Is the Immigration and Nationality Act to be the basis of legal immigration system since 1952.
You should know that it is very important to tell the truth because if lying can be caused more harm than good. Discussions with your attorney are protected, the lawyer receives the most valuable information and more through the client, this being a major source.
First remember that it is a human being and being in the United States has rights which can make use of them. You remember that you can remain silent and not be abused physically or word can make a phone call and request the presence of a lawyer. Have obligations such as not to oppose the arrest acting with physical strength , do not try to lie to agents , remember that anything you say may be used against you.