Motorcycle accidents happen quite often, and drivers do not obey the laws meant to protect bikers. These accidents can be hazardous due to motorcyclists lacking protection when compared to car drivers. Therefore, the impact is much more violent, and the injuries can be severe and even fatal.
Motorcycle drivers have a terrible reputation. Unfortunately, many insurance companies often take advantage of them because they categorize motorcyclists as irresponsible drivers who do not respect traffic laws. But the truth is that there are laws that will protect you from insurance companies.
At Gallardo Law Firm, our motorcycle accident attorneys are ready to defend your rights. You will be able to file a lawsuit and receive fair compensation for a motorcycle accident that was not your fault.
In this article, we will address several helpful topics and laws you should be familiar with. It is essential that you call an attorney after a motorcycle accident since your case may be delayed if you don’t. You will learn about the most common causes of car accidents and the importance of having a motorcycle accident attorney Miami representing you.
Distracted drivers:
This is one of the most frequent causes of motorcycle collisions and car crashes. You should be focused on your driving and stay alert for any inconvenience that may arise on the road. If something distracts you, it can be dangerous to you and those around you.
Head-on collisions:
When a vehicle goes in the opposite direction, it can cause a catastrophic accident. This type of situation should be avoided because a motorcycle involved in a head-on collision is almost sure to result in severe injuries and even death.
The errors of drivers:
It is very common for drivers to underestimate the importance of learning to drive well and respecting all the established rules. Making a mistake when you drive a motorcycle can cost you your life. Miscalculating distances, speeding in places where it is not recommended, not paying attention and making fast maneuvers are mistakes that can cost you.
Left-turn accidents and failure to yield the right of way:
Drivers like to challenge motorcyclists. At intersections, they do not let them pass, and sometimes they make a left turn in front of motorcyclists without paying attention.
Tired drivers :
A sleepy or fatigued driver can be dangerous on the road. Not only for the diver, but also for any passenger who rides with him, and all those around. In the blink of an eye, this scenario can lead to a severe accident.
Rear end hit:
This type of collision can be fatal for motorcycle drivers. When a motorcycle is hit by a car from the back, truck or another bike, the injuries tend to be dangerous. Motorcyclists are very exposed, and once they lose control of their motorcycle, it is difficult to avoid an accident.
Inexperienced driver:
A young driver often does not have enough hours behind the wheel in an unexpected situation to know which the most appropriate maneuver is. Each case becomes a new experience. If the inexperienced driver makes a quick turn or mistake, it can cause an accident and in the worst of scenarios injure or hurt another person.
Rollover accidents:
Sometimes we find victims of motorcycle accidents injured by a previous crash. Rollover accidents are dangerous and unexpected. In these cases, it is essential to have a motorcycle accident attorney Miami ready to defend your situation and to prove that you have been injured in a secondary collision.
Incompetent and competent drivers:
For an average person, it is not difficult to obtain a driver's license, but that does not mean that we all have the same driving skills, or that we are equally qualified. Sometimes in extreme situations, we may not react as we wish when faced with a sudden emergency.
Drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI):
Drivers who drive drunk or intoxicated are a threat to everyone, especially to motorcyclists.
Road rage:
In the state of Florida, specifically in Miami, discussions, and disputes between drivers are increasingly frequent. Unfortunately, angry drivers often use their cars as a weapon against motorcyclists. The motorcycle accident attorneys at Gallardo Law Firm have acquired extensive experience in this type of accidents, so do not hesitate to call us if you have been the victim of a similar situation.
Motorcyclists and drivers without insurance or with the incorrect insurance:
Even if a driver’s mistake injured the motorcyclist, he or she would automatically check if the motorcyclist has protection. It is critical that all motorcyclists have proper insurance coverage. If you need advice, call us, the motorcycle accident attorneys at Gallardo Law Firm will provide you with the necessary information. We encourage you to have suitable insurance coverage to prevent challenging situations. It has been proven that 1 in 5 motorcyclists have insufficient insurance coverage or no coverage at all.
Excessive speeding:
Accidents caused by speeding are the most dangerous ones. Illegal racing puts pedestrians and other drivers in imminent danger. If a vehicle is speeding and it hits a motorcycle, it is almost sure that this type of accident will be deadly to the motorcyclist.
The motorcycle accident attorneys at Gallardo Law Firm are qualified to provide you with the support you need. They can defend your interests and represent you if you have been the victim of a terrible accident.
Our motorcycle accident attorneys in Miami will gather all the necessary information, talk to witnesses, visit the scene of the accident, recreate the facts, and consult with doctors and specialists. They will present your case in court if necessary; demand maximum compensation for the damages caused, and alleviates the trauma victim, and family members have experienced. These are just some of the steps a knowledgeable attorney will take.
Attorneys know the law and help enforce it so that the victim can come out of this painful situation with all the support the law offers. Finding good legal representation is vital. If you do not have the right motorcycle accident attorney by your side able to defend your interests and constitutional rights, you may be left helpless and will not receive back the money or the help you are entitled to receive.
Drivers of motorcycles and mopeds traveling at the lowest speed established by traffic laws should drive as close as possible to the right edge of the street or highway, except in the following situations:
A traffic accident is always an unpleasant experience. Usually, you feel numbness, helplessness, hurt and disoriented. It can also become a stressful situation where you suffer psychological damage, and you may not see a way out.
We want to advise you on some actions you can take after experiencing a motorcycle accident in Miami.
Our motorcycle accident attorneys at Gallardo Law Firm understand how devastating it could be suffering this type of traumatic experience. There are very few people who can stay calm in this type of situation. We advise you to take the following steps since they can be very beneficial when some accusations or statements are made, and when compensation for the damages caused is required.
Motorcycle accidents tend to be devastating, particularly for motorcycle riders. This type of vehicle is at a disadvantage. On the other hand, the drivers of cars and trucks are generally more protected, and any impacts they may suffer have far less fatal consequences for them.
The most common injuries suffered by motorcyclists are:
As you might expect, the injuries sustained in this type of accident can be painful and trying to recover from. Some cases can be fatal. To avoid these deadly situations, our motorcycle accident attorneys advise you to respect traffic laws, drive with caution, and wear a helmet or the recommended protective gear.
The vast majority of motorcycle accidents in Florida result in victims needing immediate medical assistance, recovery, and rehabilitation. Not to mention property damage and lost wages for not being able to lead a normal life.
A motorcycle accident lawyer will make sure you get:
It is likely that you may need an ambulance to be transported to the hospital. You may have several injuries that require regular medical attention. The costs of rehabilitation, as well as any future medical expenses for the damages caused, can be claimed so that you can receive compensation.
After the accident, it is normal that you may have lost working days or months of work. You must visit the doctor or a psychotherapist regularly. All those hours, weeks and even months of lost labor and income can affect your financial and emotional wellbeing. These are things that should be included in the claim.
Damages after a bike accident can be claimed, and they are also considered part of the settlement.
Pain and suffering are also inevitable after a motorcycle accident. Although it is true that we did not expect these damages, they must be proved. You must be able to show all the required documentation that explains what is going on or that you have sustained injuries and significant damages during an accident that was not your fault.
Motorcyclists are exposed to higher risks every time they hit the road. In addition to being at a disadvantage, they are less visible and more vulnerable to traffic accidents. They are less stable and are more exposed to inclement weather and the worst street conditions.
You can add to that the number of people that go by the myth that motorcyclists are less cautious when it comes to compliance with traffic laws. You should not handle a situation as delicate as a traffic accident without adequate legal representation.
Your safety and the safety of your family may depend on you. A motorcycle accident attorney Miami may be the only one able to protect your rights fully. At Gallardo Law Firm we will defend you and work together with advisors and doctors to obtain the highest compensation possible. Call us today for a free consultation.