With Gallardo Law Firm, we have the most aggressive Miami drug crime lawyers. Here's a breakdown of drug crimes and what we can do for you.
Currently, the United States is the country with the largest number of prisoners worldwide. Statistics show that 48% of prisoners are associated with drug crimes and need Miami drug crime lawyers. Drugs have been part of our culture since the middle of the last century.
They were popularized in the 1960's, invading our society. Drug use, however, goes back to the inception of the United States. Drug crimes are classified as serious and non-serious, which includes everything from drug possession to drug trafficking drug crimes.
Here are the most basic of details on drugs and how important it is to get the proper advice when it comes to competent Miami drug crime lawyers in Florida or in any state where the case unfolds.
"50% of jail and prison inmates are clinically addicted [to drugs or illegal substances]."-National Association of Drug Courts Professionals (NADCP)
There are several types of drugs that exist in the world—both illegal and some that are not—many of which inevitably lead to drug crimes. Consumption of these mood and mind altering substances can affect a person mentally and physically. About 208 million people intentionally consume illegal drugs. The amount consumed is going to determine the effect as well as the bodily sensitivity of the individual and the determination of severity—where Miami drug crime lawyers are needed—that may be followed with a run-in with the law.
In the state of Florida, all of these drugs are considered illegal (except for alcohol), so people who have some contact with them will be processed within the laws of drug offenses and must have the help of a criminal defense attorney in order to settle the case in the best way.
When it comes to the law, drug crimes are built to deal with illegal drug cultivation, possession, manufacture, trafficking, and other associated transactions, use, and abuse. It is seen as being an endangerment to self, society, and others, especially when it comes to drug crimes. This involves street drugs and the controlled substances regulated by state and federal laws.
The seriousness—with the punishment to follow—of the drug offense is determined by the type of drug referred to, the classification under the drug schedule if applicable, the amount in possession, any previous criminal record, and the intention whether it is for sell or it is meant to distribute.
On the other hand, drug trafficking carries serious penalties with drug crimes including, but not limited to, denial of federal benefits and penalties for real estate.
Miami drug crime lawyers can help with anything that is classified as severe crimes or misdemeanors depending on the type of crime that has been committed.
Miami drug crime lawyers help with some of the following offenses:
Drug trafficking in relation where Miami drug crime lawyers are needed is the portion of illegal drugs intended for sale, transportation, manufacture, or by transporting these substances. It is considered a serious offense, which can lead to severe consequences such as sentencing to the payment of fines, convicted time in prison, probation, etc. Trafficking is a global problem, linking to several types of drug crimes like that of distribution, cultivation, and the selling of these illegal drugs. Among all of the different drugs out there, marijuana is one of the most widely used.
The drug trafficking between Latin America, the Caribbean, and the State of Florida has become very frequent. Due to a large number of ports and the property of the ground, Florida allows cultivation and trafficking of marijuana. The drug crimes related laws related to drug trafficking in Florida are quite severe depending on the type of drug and a number of drugs being trafficked. It could get worse if the individual accused of illegal drug trafficking has had previous serious criminal records.
Presently the state of Florida has become one of the states with the largest number of houses where they are illegally strewn with hydroponic operations in the nation, which are discovered due to stolen electricity from utility lines, landlord tips, informants, odors from the house, unusual warmth around the house, people coming and going, or when a fire and/or explosion is detected.
According to statistics, the drug offenses in Florida have increased in recent years compared to other states. Florida arrests due to drug crimes from 2012 have surpassed California where more than 791 marijuana grow houses have been discovered.
Meanwhile, in Florida there have been 800 homes that have been discovered as being grow houses as well. Hydroponic grow houses require little oversight nowadays. Plants use little to no soil and sunlight is simulated by utilizing high-intensity lamps and water irrigation system with chemical fertilizers. The rise of foreclosed homes that have been abandoned along with the high level of unemployment have helped the idea of creating hydroponic operations by citizens.
To reduce the cultivation of marijuana in Miami, the state has employed drug task forces, such as High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area which works along with the Office of National Drug Control Policy to deactivate hydroponic operations.
The possession of marijuana less than 20 grams is considered a misdemeanor in the State of Florida. If there are hydroponic operations involved in the drug crimes charges, the charge is transformed into one or more felonies. An individual with 25 plants of cannabis can be charged with a second-degree felony, which brings with it a maximum penalty of 15 years in a state prison.
If the grow house in question has been the house of a child before, charges change to first-degree felony and a maximum sentence of 30 years in a state prison. The new grow house Laws in Florida are more severe than the federal standard; the law defines marijuana plants as small trees with root formations. They could be dead or already harvested. Besides prison time, fines can be in the tens of thousands and drug crimes charges may increase if there is a previous offense.
Many people in Miami are charged with carrying out drug crimes, but it is necessary to bear in mind that despite having committed the crime, you have the right to be represented by a criminal defense lawyer in Miami.
Gallardo Law Firm Miami drug crimes lawyers will fully protect your rights in the best way possible. They are dedicated to providing every client with the level of defense required and deserved. Criminal Defense Attorneys in Miami have the most recent update of the criminal section in all areas of Criminal Law what make them the best understanding the system and getting results for the clients.
At Gallardo Law firm, we are qualified drug crimes offense lawyers easily localized in Miami. Miami Drug Crime Lawyers at Gallardo Law Firm advocate for the rights of customers who are charged with drug offenses. Our goal is to attempt to obtain the lowest possible sentence, dismissal, records expunged, or sealing.
An allegation of drug trafficking will greatly affect your quality of life for years to come. This is why it is imperative that you contact one of our Drug Defense Attorneys who will handle your case with extreme care to obtain favorable outcomes.
Whether negotiating or executing an aggressive courtroom defense, our attorneys will focus on maintaining your interest and minimizing the damage.
Our criminal defense lawyers also deal with appeals after being dictated a criminal conviction. Also, Gallardo Law Firm has online chats for immediate assistance. For help today, call us at (305) 261-7000!