Under the FMLA some employees may qualify for 12 work weeks of medical leave in a year. Eligible workers can leave work for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for a sick spouse or child, or to treat a health condition that may interfere with duties performed at work. The employee should not be fired for any of the above described reasons and should be entitled to a leave of absence under the FMLA as long as he or she has worked 1,250 hours for at least 12 months for this particular employer and the company has at least 50 employees.
The FMLA lawyer Miami at Gallardo Law Firm can help you throughout the whole process of filing FMLA and disability rights lawsuits in Miami. There are many complex factors involved in these types of cases and very strict laws difficult to understand on your own. These laws were made to protect you from any type of disability discrimination. If you or a loved one is facing discrimination, suffered retaliation, or has been denied medical leave contact one of our attorneys to represent you.
Our attorneys have many years of combined experience in this area of law. You can trust our expertise, knowledge, and legal advice. Some employers may not respect the Family Medical Leave Act protections and you may need someone to protect your rights. We handle all FMLA maters for you. This law protects millions of Americans. Don’t allow your employer to ignore your situation or take advantage of you. Contact our firm today at (305) 261-7000.