A Probation Violation is a serious offense that occurs when a probationer breaks the conditions of the probation ordered by a court; which could result in a revocation of the probation and a number of severe penalties, such as time in jail among others. Although offenders serve the sentence in freedom they will have to fulfill certain obligations under certain conditions. The conditions are determined by a variety of factors including seriousness of the violation, whether there are prior violations, offender's criminal history and others.
Along with the conditions you are given, there are also limitations that may include not to be permitted to move, change employment, or leave the state without permission from your probation officer. Your probation officer is the officer assigned by the judge to your case when you were first sentenced.
Because your probation officer should prove that you indeed violated the probation, you have the opportunity to fight your charges and prevent the consequences of a probation violation. That is why it is eminent to have an experienced legal representation at court.
Probation Violations can be either technical or substantive, Which are both considered the continuation of the original criminal case.
The Probation officer usually handles technical violations. For the first violation or a minor one, the probationer may get a warning. For a serious repeat violation, your probation officer may report you to court. A judge there will determine if the probationer has really committed violation and will set the sanction. Miami Probation Violation can bring about serious consequences, including time in prison.
The consequences of violating probation are determined by the severity of the violation, as well as the history of probation violations and recommendation from the probation officer.
In the event you have been found guilty after a hearing, you may find yourself confronting revocation of probation, increase in the length of your probation, demand of additional probation terms, time in jail, and/or payment of a fine.
It is very important you know your legal rights to eliminate any additional penalties or consequences when you are facing Probation Violation.
First, you have the right to receive a written copy of the believed violations against you. Second, you must be heard by a neutral judge in Court. Third, you have the right of an attorney representation and present evidence to support the case. Lastly, you have the right to discredit evidence against you.
If you or a family member is facing probation violation charges, contact a criminal defense attorney to discuss your options and get informed of your rights.
Performing a criminal search, allows verifying if there have been any felony, misdemeanor, and sex offender records.
There are different entities and organizations that can access to your criminal records. They are:
The most common uses of the criminal record are, when buying a home, studying at a University, adopting a child, purchasing weapons, applying for a visa to travel to another country and others.
Once a probationer has violated probation, the court often takes a different approach to sentencing. If an individual has been convicted of a DUI and sentenced to probation there are regulations he/she must follow in order to comply with the probation. Here are some of the most common rules of probation:
If any of these rules is violated, the offender will definitely have additional court costs and there will be consequences of the new charge. The judge will give the maximum sentence since the offender did not learn from the first sentence. That is why is very important to contact a qualified probation violation lawyer for defense assistance.
Sexual Offense causes another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act using force or threat, such as rape, sodomy and sexual abuse. The laws in regards to Sexual Offense vary by state. In favor of notifying the local authorities of the sexual offender's residences, there is a registered sex offender record so the public may have access to information about them.
It is called PAROLE to a provisional release of a person who has spent his time in jail or at least part of it. This kind of freedom is going to allow the person to live in the community but always supervised during a trial period. The decision to grant parole is the responsibility of the correctional board of parole. If violated, the consequences are very serious because the defendant has to return to prison and may have to stay at least one year in the county jail.
In most states, whether an inmate is paroled is determined by different factors. While in prison, the inmate must follow conditions, such as regularly meet with the parole officer, keeping from doing drugs or consuming alcohol and others.
Violating probation is a serious offense and is heavily judged. It could result in time in prison, frequently with no prior warning if a bench warrant is issued depending on the severity of the crime and the sentence given. That is why, it is very important to talk to a probation violation lawyer to work with the judge in your behalf.
A Miami probation violation lawyer is the person who has the knowledge required to negotiate a better deal. If you are involved in a probation violation in any way, the best step you can take is to contact the attorneys at Gallardo Law Firm, for a full consultation.
Gallardo Law Firm has an office located in Miami. They have tried several cases of violation of probation in Florida and have been met with professionalism and efficiency. The attorneys at Gallardo Law Firm have the Knowledge required to establish a good defense strategy in a case of violation of probation, also in cases of arrest for DUI.
You can contact the Gallardo Law Firm when facing probation violation, the team of attorneys is prepared to protect your rights and freedom, regardless of the seriousness of the charges. It is critical to act rapidly in order to obtain legal counsel from a criminal defense attorney.