Employees are entitled to receive at least the minimum wage per hour worked. Currently, the federal minimum hourly wage is $ 7.25. However, in the state of Florida the minimum hourly wage is set to $ 8.05 as of January 1st, 2015.
The minimum wage per hour varies across different states and localities. You could be entitled to a higher minimum wage depending on the state and locality in which you work.
In a few states, such as California and Alaska, employers are required to pay the full state minimum which is usually much higher than the federal minimum. In other states including Florida and New York, the state requires employers to pay above the federal minimum but not the full state minimum. While in the rest of the state’s employers are allowed to pay as low as the federal minimum, which is $7.25.
Of course, any employer who pays its employees less than the minimum wage that is standard for hourly rate is violating these rules. In some cases, even an employer who pays more than the minimum wage could be violating these rules. Here are some examples of how this can happen: Underpaying often happens in the case of workers who have earnings from tips. The FLSA (Federal Fair Labor Standards Act) allows employers to pay employees who earn tips a much lower salary of at least $ 2.13 an hour but only if the employee actually earns in tips the amount equal to the established minimum salary for hourly employees, which is $ 7.25. If the employee does not earn at least $ 5.12 in tips per hour, the employer must pay the difference. Some states do not allow employers to pay employees who earn tips lower wages; instead they must pay what is established by law. In the state of Florida the minimum cash wage set for tipped employees is $ 4.91.
However, Florida is one of those states that do not require employers to pay the full state minimum, as long as they pay above the federal minimum. State and federal laws set the minimum wage each employee is allowed to receive. Through these laws, it can be clearly identified which workers have the right to obtain overtime pay. Unfortunately, and often, many employees are not under the protection of these legal requirements.
Laws that regulate wages and working hours were created to protect employees and make sure that their employers are treating them fairly with regards to their payment and duties.
Lawyers working on cases of unpaid wages and minimum wage violations play an important objective for those who are victims of employers who do not comply by employment laws. At Gallardo Law Firm we have competent attorneys throughout the state of Florida.
Our lawyers will help when you or a loved one has been the victim of an employer who has taken advantage of you. Some common situations include employers who do not pay the minimum set by federal law and commit wage and hour violations in order to get more benefits from your work.
Do not be afraid to claim for the injustice done not only to you but also to your family. It is important to work from the beginning with attorneys in these cases because they know the laws of your state and will guide you in the best path to recovering your financial losses. The cases of unpaid wages and hour violations can become a complicated legal process that requires the special attention of an attorney who can help you successfully dispute your claim and get fair compensation.