Personal Injury Blog page 3

47 Blog Posts where found , 8 in this page

Stressed at work? You might have a claim

Cases involving mental and emotional injuries may also qualify for compensation under some circumstances. We are going to take a closer look atwork-related stress injuries and explore some of your legal options....

Florida’s texting while driving law may take effect soon

While texting and driving are not illegal in the state of Florida, and the police cannot pull a driver for doing so, it seems this law may be changing soon. A bill was recently introduced to the House of Representatives in an attempt to make texting and driving a primary offense. If the law passes...

Why the state doesn’t release records on FIU bridge collapse

It’s been a while since the FIU bridge collapse, but its ghosts are still haunting South Florida. Who is truly responsible for this disaster? Why is the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) trying to block the release of the records that ...

What happens when you get pulled over for a DUI?

What happens when you get pulled over for a DUI? This infographic is a visual guide where you will find relevant information about what to do during a DUI arrest. Our experts recommend in those cases the following: pull over properly, stay in the car, don’t act suspicious, follow instructions...

What should I do after a car accident?

Many people ask themselves the same question: "What should I do after a car accident?". Here is an infographic with useful information about auto accidents.

Miami Ranks 5th Worst City to Drive in the U.S.

It’s official, Miami, Florida has the 10th worst traffic congestion in all the world, and the 5th worst in cities in the United States, according to a study by INRIX, Inc., the foremost leader in car services and transportation analytics. Up from number 14 in 2015, Miami natives spent an average...

3 things to consider when hiring a Workers' Comp attorney

Worker’s compensation cases can be difficult to navigate without the counsel of an employment attorney who can explain your rights when you suffer a workplace accident. While most people believe work injuries only occur...

3:05 PM Goes From Cafecito time to Civil Lawsuit Time

As collectors from around the world leave sunny Miami after the Annual Art Basel, a festival which allows local artists to showcase their talents and local flavor to prominent collectors and artists from around the world. Unfortunately some festival goers leave with more than they are willing to pay for pilfering intellectual property and violating copyright