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In Florida, the medical use of Low THC and Medical Marijuana passed by 70 %, meaning that come January 2017, patients suffering from certain conditions, may be eligible for medical cannabis. Pot technology has evolved and patients can now vaporize THC oil, eliminating the hazardous smoke of traditional smoking methods. In recent news...
The “phantom-auto”, Pontiac’s driverless vehicle which delighted crowds of onlookers during demonstrations in the 1930’s, was controlled via Morse key, and closely followed by a second, conventionally driven vehicle in the event intervention was required. Fast forward to the release of Google’s self-driven vehicle program which launched in in California back
Accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. You might be at work, minding your own business and suddenly BAM! You find yourself injured, unable to work, and stuck with large, confusing medical bills. What do you do now? How do you protect yourself?...
Davie police sergeant Patricia Ravine was airlifted after being hit by a car on I-75. She was trying to help a drunk driver who had just been involved in a rollover car crash before being struck by another vehicle traveling south on Interstate 75. It's unfortunate traffic accidents like these...
Whether you believe in life after death or not, this imagename gone viral on the web is quite remarkable. The photo was taken after a fatal motorcycle crash in Powell County, Kentucky. Two ambulances, a police car and some individuals were gathered at the motorcycle crash scene. The imagename has something...
It’s easy to get frustrated in traffic jams, especially in Miami where people don’t seem to respect traffic rules. Unfortunately DUI charges are among the most common traffic offenses in the area. A recent Miami Car Crash is just one of the many alcohol-related traffic occurrences ...
Luxury can be very costly. It cost the life of a 40-year-old driver who died recently in a 2015 Tesla Model S Fatal Car Crash. The 5-star rated vehicle apparently had the lowest probability of injury when tested by the agency. However, Tesla Model S still has some...
Some hospitals in Miami are renowned nation-wide for their practices. However, this is not the case for every Miami hospital. Just like in any other city, medical malpractice suits are filed for any number of issues that arise. There is much speculation as to why the C-section rate in Miami is so high. Experts claim a major reason the number...