The United States of America has a number of laws and regulations regarding American families that are important to keep in mind. Our website reflects on the laws and legal processes common in the state of Florida, such as child relocation during divorce in South Florida.
Relocation laws in Florida are governed by the Statute 61.13001 and have been changing for some time. Previously, the law required the parent with custody of the children to show that the household relocation will be to the benefit of the children. Then and only then will the court allow relocation. Currently these laws are gradually changing and have become much more complicated. Florida State law requires the judge to authorize making the move. Contact one of our qualified family lawyers at Gallardo Law Firm to make a request for relocation.
A form must be filled out with information including the date and address of the new location as well as the costs of transportation and lodging for the noncustodial parent to visit his child. This applies to parents who are moving to a residence outside the state. After reviewing the facts presented and the views of both parents, the judge can then decide if there will be relocation or not.
After a divorce, many changes occur within a family. A failed marriage leads to divorce resulting in a series of legal activities such as child custody, support, and relocation. When a parent loses the ability to visit their child because the other parent has moved, we can say that they are facing the issue of child relocation. The custodial parent does not have the right to relocate with their children without the consent of the other parent or judge.
After separation, most parents feel the need to move out of their current residency for different reasons usually in hopes to benefit their family. Some of the most common reasons include; seeking improvements in the quality of life, a new beginning for them and their family, the start of a new relationship or a better job opportunity to help improve economic status and ensure a better future for their children. If you are a parent who wishes to relocate with your child, visit Gallardo Law Firm in Miami. We have a team of highly qualified family lawyers that will help to show you the beneficial changes that can be made through child relocation without harm to the parents or children.
The laws on child relocation vary from state to state, but in Florida specifically, judges make their decision based on the idea that parents with child custody relocation request an order because they want a better economic and social situation that will benefit their future lives and that of their children. Some of the important principles that the court relies on to grant the relocation of the children in Florida are:
Certainly, these factors used to grant the relocation of the children are taught in their welfare, and often holds that when parents are happy, the children also, judges must not only think of the happiness and stability of the child, also in parental custody, the end is they who provide their children have a happy and prosperous growth. In our Gallardo Law Firm, we are specializing in all kinds of legal proceedings about the family, a new relocation for your children and this is the perfect solution for you to follow before after divorce.
Child relocation can produce negative effects on both the children and non-custodial parents, decreasing the time shared between the two, i.e., time of visits are greatly shortened. In some cases, before the separation and relocation, the father could see his son daily and now there may be long periods of time in between visits. Other consequences arising from the child relocation is the economic position of the noncustodial parent because he/she would have to spend much of their profits to make visits to see his/her children and would be much larger in the case of the latter you are living in another country. In conclusion, sometimes the children could be the most affected by the change. They are the ones who would have to give up everything they have lived thus far, their school, their friends, their comforts, and would face a new life so young. Change is often traumatic for adults, much less children.
In the United States and Miami in particular, many families tend to move frequently from one county to another or from state to state seeking economic and social improvement. But they forget that frequent change of home can greatly affect children because it interferes with their educational life and great friendships that have developed from a young age. When parents move, children are obligated to change schools and teachers, resulting in academic set back affecting performance along with emotion.
The first years of a child’s education are extremely important. This is the age where children begin to understand the concept of independence and begin adapting to spending time with new people such as classmates and teachers. Relocation can sometimes alter or set back the process of this independence.
In the teenage years, children are more likely to develop behavioral problems as a result of relocation. In some cases, they would rather live with another family member or friend in the same city before having to move. At this age in particular, children tend to undergo transformations in their daily behavior, which is why we recommend that parents keep an open mind and full understanding. Relocation after a breakup is not easy for any individual, let alone children.
Before considering relocation, parents should consult and explain to their children the reasons behind relocating including the benefits the new home and city will bring. It is important to explain the beneficial reasons to move that will be of their personal interest.