Many couples often go through stressful situations such as separation, due to little understanding between spouses or merely because they no longer love each other. For whatever reason, the relationship can end with an annulment of marriage. Not all romantic relationships end on good terms. So you should always keep in mind that from the moment you file for divorce, it will trigger a series of legal actions that you have to resolve as soon as possible for you and your children’s benefit. You need the support and custody of their children, but you also need financial stability, which can be accomplished by dividing equitably all marital property acquired during the marriage.
Gallardo Law Firm offers the best services with a high degree of quality and professionalism. Our attorneys have the certifications and experience needed to resolve your case promptly and efficiently and for your family to get the best results through property division after divorce.
During the marriage, couples often jointly purchase multiple personal items, which are almost always purchased with the finances of the two regardless of their economic differences. These assets are to be shared equally between them after the divorce becomes official. Many times, the Equitable Distribution Miami can be very easy to handle because the couple can decide for themselves how to divide the properties with the help of a family lawyer, who will submit the order to the judge through Gallardo Law Firm. We take care of all documentation needed for the properties to be legally distributed. This process takes place in a short period, and it becomes easier when couples handle the process amicably.
In cases that involve couples with bad relationships, there is another way to process and divide material goods. Divorce lawyers are prepared to handle any situation. If the spouses cannot agree on how to divide property, then you have to present the case in the family court, and the judge will decide what to collect, and how to distribute assets equally from common property acquired during the marriage. We talk about equality because there are laws in the State of Florida that require the equal division of property after a divorce. In these cases, the couple understands it could take an incredibly long time and a lot of mental, emotional, and physical energy. Whatever the situation may be, our primary goal is to obtain the results desired by the client.
In some states, the property must be divided communally
In the State of Florida, the laws about the equitable division of assets after a divorce have to be followed.
The process of equitable distribution of property occurs when one party comes to Gallardo Law Firm after the marriage has ended because they want the tangible property that rightfully belongs to them. Then, a divorce lawyer will investigate all data related to their property. First, they collect the information on all properties available to their clients, plus any hidden assets. If a spouse keeps assets or finances from the other person, then we calculate the monetary value of each property. If these have a high financial value, you could seek specialized advice for monetary cases, and submit all the required documentation in court with the help of an attorney. Then, the judge will determine which material goods belong to you or your ex-spouse. If that cannot be divided, then an economic value for the property is granted, and the assets are divided equally.
The judge will decide the percentage of the property for an equitable distribution based on several things that you should keep in mind, like for example:
Currently, many couples are living together without the legal commitment. In these cases, the couple must be cautious about the goods to be purchased together while they are in a relationship. Under Florida law, when the relationship ends, there is no real separation. They are seen as individuals with no rights to each other’s property. So we have to decide when to claim some property, real estate or business they have together.
We have to determine who has legal ownership of these assets if there was no division of property after death or separation. If at the time of acquiring the property, both parties agree on joint ownership, we can claim their rights on the property in case of a separation or death. So it is essential to define what percentage of the property you are entitled to receive when you or your partner ends the relationship. We make sure you don’t lose the property. If the other person dies and leaves a testament, you will not have problems in defining precisely the total amount that belongs to you.