Criminal Defense FAQs page 3

161 FAQs where found , 30 in this page

What are Common Legal Challenges with Drug Crimes?

What are Common Legal Challenges with Drug Crimes?

What Are My Rights After an Arrest?

What happens if you violate probation with a felony?

Is a Probation Violation a felony?

What could happen if I have an emergency and need to travel out of state?

What is a probation revocation hearing?

What are the sentences for probation violation?

What is known by Administrative Probation?

Is it Ok if I move out of state?

Is it important to tell the truth to my lawyer?

What is the difference between arrest and conviction?

Do I have any benefits if I give myself voluntarily?

If the police arrest a family member, can I send a lawyer to represent him/her?

Can I be checked by the police if I am arrested?

Are you entitled to an attorney at any time during a police interrogation?

Are there different types of thefts?

How do you define petty theft and grand theft?

Are White Collar defendants given the same treatment as defendants of violent crimes?

Does local law enforcement officials investigate White Collar Crimes?

Can you get a job after being accused of a white collar crime?

Should I hire a lawyer to represent my case in court even though I am innocent?

If a person wants to plead guilty, does a lawyer need to be hired?

Are all white collar crimes prosecuted in deferral court?

What are the penalties for white collar crimes?

Who is in charge of investigating white collar crimes?

Is it mandatory to use the Miranda Rights in Miami?

What is the difference between an arrest and a conviction?

Is it important to tell the truth?

Do I need to hire a criminal defense attorney even though I am innocent?