Personal Injury FAQs page 2

195 FAQs where found , 30 in this page

Can I get compensation for personal injury if I had some blame for what happened?

In some areas, people cannot get compensation if the negligence did not contribute entirely to the injuries sustained. The majority of jurisdictions hold that the affected party can still receive compensation if they were part of the blame for the damages, which can result in a decrease of the amount in compensation to be awarded to the victim. Learn More

Who will pay my medical bills?

This depends on what type of coverage is available and what kind of insurance the provider is accepting. Our office will be in contact with your medical provider and the insurance company to expedite the payment of your bills. We can also assist arrange financing alternatives to cover the bills. Learn More

What should I do after an accident?

First, you should contact a personal injury lawyer to know your rights and options. Second, you need to call the police and report the accident. Third, you should report the accident to your car insurance. Do not discuss the accident with anybody but a doctor and your personal injury lawyer. It is also important to refrain from signing any settlement or statements to an insurance company. Learn More

If one person falls because of a broken pathway and is injured, can he or she sue the city?

A person injured may have a case against the city in a situation like this, because municipalities are obliged to keeping the streets and pavements repaired. The injured party might have a favorable case against the city if he can prove that the sidewalk was not in perfect condition and on account of this was that the accident happened. There are time limits and requirements for filing the notice of complaints to the municipalities. A slip and fall attorney Miami can advise you about what to do in these cases. Learn More

When is the law involved if an owner "should have known" concerning a dangerous condition on the property?

Most of the time, the law recognizes that a landlord "should have known" about a hazardous condition when it has been around for a long time, so that a reasonably thorough person should have seen. Learn More

What benefits can be obtained when a slip and fall event is won in Florida?

If the injured party wins the case, the court will decide how much money to offset the injury. That quantity may include: 1- Medical expenses. 2- Wages not received, either at the time of injury and time to be off work for injuries. 3- Permanent Disability. 4- Emotional Distress. 5- Other expenditures directly related to the injury. Learn More

How much money can be awarded in a slip and fall case?

Each slip and fall accident is evaluated individually. The values of claims vary widely depending on the circumstances of the accident, so it is impossible to give an overall figure for assessing a calamity of this type. Some cases end up with large sums in verdicts or settlements, while others may have less value. Learn More

What about if a loved one is involved in the slip and fall accident and I dont want to sue the person?

When someone falls, for example, in a family member’s front steps, suing the loved one never crosses the mind. These misunderstandings are common in slip and fall accidents. It’s important to remember that you are not suing the property owner but the insurance company; therefore, the homeowner’s insurance will cover the costs. It’s up to you if you want to sue or not. Insurances are there to take care of things when they happen. Learn More

What are some of the common causes of slip and fall accidents?

Some common causes include: 1- Worn down, torn or raised carpet. 2- Poor lighting. 3- When foods and drinks are spilled. 4- Pavements with defects. 5- Holes in the ground. 6-Damaged handrails. 7- Damaged wires and electrical cords. Learn More

Is it necessary to file an accident report when I fall, similar to car accidents?

This is not required by law. Nevertheless, when it happens in a business or store, there may be a policy requiring a report. Accident reports are great because they have significant evidence about the accident. Those in charge of filling out the reports can gather information relevant to your case. Learn More

Should I seek medical treatment, even when I haven’t suffered any injuries?

Sometimes a minor injury can become a problem later on. You should be examined at an emergency room or by your doctor as soon as you can. Your medical providers will determine your treatment. If you are not satisfied with your treatment, you can always seek a second opinion. Just follow your doctor’s recommendations. Learn More

Who would be responsible for negligence in nursing homes?

Medical malpractice lawyers working in nursing home facility cases play an essential role for many people who are victims of negligence. It is vital to work from the beginning with medical malpractice lawyers because they know Florida Laws and can guide you to establish your process in the shortest possible time. Learn More

What are the different signs of neglect in nursing homes?

Negligence in the nursing home is becoming an increasingly common problem at present. In recent years, the number of cases of neglect in nursing homes has shown an increase. Specific symptoms and signs may prove possible negligence in the nursing home. These include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional and verbal abuse, and financial exploitation. We can also mention the tension between the caregiver and the resident, changes in personality or behavior, bruises, broken bones, pressure ulcers, residents that go unchanged and unbathed, the financial activity the senior could not have done, and others. Learn More

What information do I need to know about nursing home negligence, and under what conditions I file a claim?

Nursing homes are care facilities aimed at helping the elderly in need. However, in some cases, these facilities are often guilty of exploitation, abuse, and maltreatment. If you believe a family member is being abused in a nursing home, you should investigate the matter and identify if there is a chance of circumstances when filing a lawsuit. Negligence claims usually occur if the provider is not complying with the responsibilities, like supplying food, hygiene, and medicine. Other elements that may validate a case of neglect include emotional and physical abuse, harassment and misdiagnosis. Learn More

What can I do if I notice a case of neglect of the elderly in a nursing home?

One of the most important steps you can take is to contact an elder care locator and report the abandonment of an old man in the nursing home. However, it is also important to alert the police by calling 911 if you feel that someone is in immediate physical danger. If you suspect a loved one is facing elder abuse, you may also contact an attorney who specializes in elder abuse cases. Learn More

What are all classifications of abuse and neglect in nursing homes?

1- Emotional 2- Physical 3- Sexual 4- Financial 5- Psychological Learn More

In cases of neglect in nursing homes, are older people entitled to select their treatment?

Residents are ultimately allowed to have access to their medical records and reports. They can discuss the type of treatment they are receiving and can also reject the full treatment. Nevertheless, if the concerned person is not mentally ill, his family can make such decisions. Learn More

What type of neglect or abuse does a nursing home lawyer handle?

There are multiple occurrences in which a nursing home lawyer can help. Some of the most common examples are the malnutrition cases and dehydration, assault, abuse, pressure ulcers, restriction, and strangulation. Further examples include prescribing errors, falls, fractures, wrongful death, diagnostic failure or misdiagnosis, leaving the older adult unsupervised and other cases qualifying as negligence in the nursing home. Learn More

Do we need the help of a nursing home neglect attorney?

Attorneys in nursing home cases are there to ensure that the rights of older people are protected in these facilities, and they are getting the level of care required. When a person decides to leave in a nursing home one of his/her older relatives, he or she goes through a process of making difficult decisions. This decision also means that they place their trust in the nursing home and the violation of this trust may result in life-threatening damage. Learn More

What should I know about medical malpractice lawsuits in nursing homes?

You may bring cases against health institutions, nursing homes, and against doctors for failing to provide adequate services and cause damage. Many people suffer from injuries and other medical conditions due to the negligence and carelessness of medical experts. Law firms that specialize in this particular area help those victims fight for their rights and receive compensation for their suffering. Learn More

What is pharmaceutical malpractice or negligence?

Pharmaceutical malpractice means that a pharmacist dispenses a wrong medication, or wrong dosage, with no specifications for interactions with other drugs resulting in injury or death to a consumer. That could happen because the drug was not tested or analyzed correctly or the manufacturer did not provide the physician that prescribed the drugs with the appropriate warnings for the patients who consumed them. Learn More

Do I have a pharmaceutical negligence case if my prescription was issued incorrectly and I became sick?

You might have a case if the prescription was filled incorrectly, or the pharmacist gives the incorrect medication or dose. In such cases, the pharmacist or the doctor will be liable. If the medication causes illnesses or severe side effects, then the drug manufacturer is held accountable. Learn More

What are some of the causes of pharmaceutical negligence?

In a hurry to get products to market, pharmaceutical companies do not use the necessary time for a medicine trial. They may not publish specific side effects because they did not analyze the medication accurately or researchers failed to disclose essential findings that arise after products are already on the market. Learn More

What are important facts I should know when buying over-the-counter medications?

You should read the labels carefully because they might consist of elements you should not take. You also need to be careful in case you are already taking other drugs that may interact with the new medication. You might also have an allergic reaction if this is the first time you try the medication, or it is not the correct one for your symptoms. You can always ask the pharmacist for help. Learn More

Can I file a claim even if I have been taking a medication that was not prescribed by a physician and resulted in injuries?

You might still file a claim against the drug manufacturers since the doctor did not prescribe the medication. Learn More

How defective drugs reach the market?

While one of the duties of the Food and Drug Administration is protecting American consumers from defective drugs, the FDA often inadequately examined drugs before they reach the market. Though pharmaceutical companies must exhaustively test their drugs, sometimes they go without thoroughly researching the possible side effects of the drug, and rush off to the market, causing significant damage to their consumers. Learn More

What are the most common dangerous drugs that have hit the market?

As more pharmaceutical companies are trying to conceive wonder drugs to address even the most minimal health problems, the prevalence of dangerous drugs and pharmaceutical injuries tends to increase. Many FDA approved drugs can have harmful side effects so you should consult with your doctor first before taking them. Learn More

What is a wrongful death claim?

Wrongful death is a legal term given to the event in which an individual dies as a result of negligence or intentional actions. More than one person can be held liable for such an event. Learn More

Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit?

Wrongful Death Law in Florida allows the survivors of the deceased to seek compensation for lost services and support after the death of their loved one. The survivors that may qualify to file a suit include a spouse, child or parent and any other relative or adoptive brother. There is a limited time to sue for wrongful death in Florida; failure to file within the time may prohibit the potential plaintiff to seek compensation for their losses. Learn More

Do I have a legitimate wrongful death lawsuit?

The wrongful death law is different for each state, and each state court has its particular rules and procedures. To find out if you have a legitimate wrongful death claim and how to proceed in your case, you should talk with a lawyer specializing in this type of process in Miami Florida. Learn More