Personal Injury Blog

47 Blog Posts where found , 8 in this page

What to Do If You Suffer an Injury in a Public Place in Miami

Accidents in administrative, state, commercial, or government spaces can happen at any time, whether due to a trip on a damaged sidewalk or a sudden fall on a wet floor in a shopping area...

Workplace Safety Laws in Florida

Understanding workplace safety laws in Florida requires full attention. As employees, it is essential to learn how to feel safeguarded and demand...

Personal Injury Law Changes To Be Aware Of

This bill reduces the time an individual can file a suit, gives insurers a 90-day grace period for bad faith claims, reduces potential recoveries in personal injury suits...

Do Inpatient Falls Constitute Medical Malpractice?

On some occasions, the professionals who are in charge of our health make mistakes. These errors can produce significant consequences for patients, who have the prerogative to initiate a legal claim and demand compensation for the damage caused. However, there are...

What happens when you get in an Uber crash?

Uber where for $0.21 per minute and $0.97 per mile, they can click away to their destination in the app's standard service. It doesn’t sound like such a bad deal, even though the prices are higher now than when the platform was making its way into our lives.

Distracted walking linked to deadly accidents

An average of 1000 emergency room visits in the US every year is related to talking and texting on the cellphone. Surprised? We all need our cellphones to stay in touch, work, and the list...

Premises Liability in Miami Music Festivals

Music festivals are lively, immersive, and vital to the community here in South Florida. They create a unique atmosphere with music and lights for young adults to enjoy themselves...

Florida's High Pedestrian Deaths Rate

Miami and South Florida residents have recently grown concerned about the accidents and traffic. Although Miami is famously known for its 'unique' drivers, the safety of the road has worsened a concerning amount in the past couple of years...