Criminal Defense Blog page 2

34 Blog Posts where found , 8 in this page

New Miami Gardens Crime Center

As criminals integrate modern technology and implement more sophisticated and discrete strategies, the police is faced with the growing problem of undetectable crimes. Crime-fighting technology simply needs to get better in order to address these offenses properly. Many cities across our nation are opening high-tech crime centers to keep up with the demand

Model blackmailed Miami’s Snapchat Queen

It seems that even the Miami snapchat queen’s cell phone gets hacked these days. YesJulz, the famous Snapchat celebrity has gained popularity for her party lifestyle and graceful figure. She has been a great influence for brands and uses Snapchat to promote herself and her exclusive clientele. Just remember not everyone ...

$1 Billion Alleged Medicare Fraud Miami Proven True

One of the largest criminal Medicare fraud Miami cases ever brought against individuals was finally unmask last Friday in court. The alleged scheme has been going on for a while now, since 2002. Apparently, fraudulent claims were submitted to Medicare and Medicaid, which caused...

Donald Trump accused of sexual assault

With the 2016 presidential elections all over the media, it’s not surprising to hear stories of sexual assault, and explicit details about the candidates’ personal lives rising to the surface. Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump has not been the exception to the rule...

New Pokemon Go app steals your personal info

Everybody is familiar with the new monster hunting app called Pokemon Go. Whether you are a casual gamer or someone trying to take advantage of the whole situation, Pokemon Go is definitely on the go and on the hunt for your personal info. That’s right; an estimate of 7.5 million players, are already sharing...

Pokémon Go-The Dark Side

People are fascinated by adventure. This is why they adore Pokémon Go, the new augmented reality mobile game with access to your cellphone’s camera and GPS.But where is the wandering experience really leading you? According to police reports, Pokémon Go’s popularity is already triggering criminal offenses....

Drug Lords being chased: Gerson Galvez

Mr. Galvez and El Chapo Guzman are among the world’s 10 most wanted drug lords. He is one of the most sought-after drug dealers in Peru and made a lot of money selling cocaine internationally. According to some information from Colombian sources, his extradition...

Florida Power & Light Manager Accused of Suspicious Nuclear Activities

The last couple of months have not been easy for Florida Power & Light. After last month’s lawsuit, recently unsealed records have revealed that a former FPL manager traded nuclear information from Florida Power & Light in exchange...