As criminals integrate modern technology and implement more sophisticated and discrete strategies, the police is faced with the growing problem of undetectable crimes. Crime-fighting technology simply needs to get better in order to address these offenses properly. Many cities across our nation are opening high-tech crime centers to keep up with the demand. The new Miami gardens crime center is just one of the many crime centers unveiled. The center opened its doors last Monday with a cutting ribbon ceremony held by the Miami gardens police department. The Real-Time Miami Gardens Crime Center will help police investigate criminal activity and gather Miami Dade criminal records resourcefully.
The new Miami Gardens crime center is simply a great investment. It was approved by residents of Miami Gardens and it cost the city around $60 million. The center has software that can identify how many shots are fired in the city each month and read license plates. Miami Gardens’ crime rate is 58% higher than the national average. If you live in this city you will have a 1 in 22 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. Yet the amount of crimes reported yearly has decreased 6% so that’s good news. Hopefully the new center will help eradicate crime more efficiently. It’s a good start.
Miami Gardens is not the only place where this crime-fighting technology is implemented. Many of these centers have already been built throughout the United States. Individuals working at these centers can monitor surveillance video and provide officers at the crime scenes with information about the suspects. They can tap into surveillance cameras in schools or business after being authorized beforehand and enter the names of these suspects into private and criminal databases. This information can be sent to police cellphones.
Some facial recognition software currently used is known for mistakes. This is something civil liberty advocates are concern about. However, think about how many school shootings can be tracked as well as criminals and terrorists on social media and at the airports. Despite the privacy concerns of crime-fighting technology, it’s is something worth trying as it will help make our city safer. Contact a criminal defense attorney Miami from Gallardo Law Firm if you or loved one has been wrongfully accused of committing a crime.